Thursday, 16 June 2011

Little Miss Busy

Now that Erin is over one she reckons that she is unstoppable and is not afraid to scare the mommy with her tactics. She has mastered the stairs outside and inside with only one backflip accident under her belt. She climbs on and off the couch and bounces up and down. Under tables and standing on chairs is her thing. All this with no broken bones or teeth! She now shares the little table with Owen for some of her mealtimes.

She loves shoes and handbags (a lady after my own heart) and runs around with any item of laundry she takes off the rack. Her preference is Owens underwear that she puts on her head and I often find her with it around her neck. Her outfits are now little dresses as it is too hot to wear long pants. She looks very cute and girly and has been an influence on the mommy's wardrobe too!

She has passed the phase of opening the toilet lid and throwing her dummy into it. We now only have 3 dummies left. Bath times are a real hit and the more splashes are the better it is. She will take a container and fill it with water, then throw it up and laugh like a drain when it falls down onto her head. What a joy it is to watch.

She loves the attention Owen gives her and teases him constantly although biting has become her form of defence! She sits on the little wagon and he pushes her around. She is particular about her food and points to what she wants always insisting she feeds herself. Milk time is mostly on the bean bag and she is self sufficient holding the bottle herself. A little independant soul in the making.

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